Thursday, April 17, 2014

Entry #10 - April 18, 2014

This week has been another relatively busy week. I haven't made much progress in regards to learning new songs because the songs I'm learning now span multiple pages, so it takes longer to learn new ones. Currently, I'm just trying to hammer out "Moonlight Sonata" because it seems like a very good practice song. It doesn't have too many advanced maneuvers and you don't have to fiddle around with the pedal like in other songs. Right now, I'm actually learning the second page of Moonlight Sonata. The final product is still going on. I'm still editing the video together and there's been a few complications with WMM. I wish I had a better program to be honest. I'm still excited about this project because I still get to learn new songs which always makes me ecstatic. I'm still happy with my progress even though it's slowing down with these more challenging songs. I think I did much better than I expected. Not too many interesting things have happened besides the fact that I learned what the other 2 pedals on the piano are.

Source:  "Moonlight Sonata." Moonlight Sonata Sheet Music. N.p., n.d. Web.
This is the second page of "Moonlight Sonata" which I am currently learning.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Entry #9 - April 11, 2014

This past week has not been, to be frank, very exciting. In fact, it's not even close to exciting. It's been a lot of technical, music theory work. I have mostly been learning the symbols on sheet music because I found it was very hard to read sheet music if I didn't know what all the weird symbols mean. I spent most of the past week just learning about that which was not fun at all. I haven't worked on my final product this past week mostly because I haven't been learning the rest of "Moonlight Sonata" which I do intend to do. Hopefully I'll finish the song by next week. Learning sheet music has been bothersome to say the least because it really is just about memorization and memorizing symbols is possibly the most boring task. That said, I am still happy with the progress I've made. I no longer have to keep re-checking what certain symbols mean or what sharp symbols on the lines mean. 
Source: "Musical Symbols - Sheet Music Terms and Musical Symbols." Musical Symbols - Sheet Music Terms and Musical Symbols. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.
This is the website I was using to learn about the various symbols when reading sheet music. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Entry #8 - April 4, 2014

As usual, I'm learning songs to play on the piano. I've started to shift away from the more basic songs like "London Bridge is Falling Down" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to more advanced songs like "Moonlight Sonata." The video is coming together. I've found that I actually progressed quite fast, in my opinion. I moved almost immediately from the child-like songs to very famous classical pieces. While I can't play the entirety of "Fur Elise," I can play the part the everyone knows. My excitement about learning the piano has not died since I've started learning. Even though it sometimes takes me hours to learn a part of a song, I don't get frustrated or upset (maybe a little). It's always satisfying to be able to play the piece correctly. The only major thing I am worried about at this point is if I will finish the final product in time. I guess the other thing would be reading sheet music. There are a lot of weird symbols that just require memorization. As stated, I am elated by the progress. Maybe, this also drives my excitement because I'm actually progressing and learning.

This is the sheet music for "Moonlight Sonata," the song I'm currently learning.